Part I - The Marvel Life-Sized "Avengers" figurines at Mid Valley Megamall

by - April 10, 2015

I am exciting to watch the Marvel Life-Sized "Avengers" figures..mommy pulak yang terlebih suka ni. Getting information from shilashower insta. She had posted his son's picture wore the Iron Man's etire with the big Iron Man's figure next to him.

Ehsan picture above dari shilashower's insta (minta izin ya kak...)

So so big kawww... Teruja nak tengok those Avengers gergasini. Aku memang folo Iron Man dan Captain America series ni so.. mane bole missed out kannn.. Nak turunkan minat pada my lil hero pulaksss..

Since 8th April onwards, the life-sized figurines of the Hulk Buster Armour, Captain America, and Hulk has displayed di Centre Court Mid Valley Megamall. Ni bersempena derang nak do first launching at the cinema on 23rd April lah tuuu. The figures will be shown for display until 19th April. Jangan lepaskan peluang jom kite berwefie di sane.

Aku dah plan probably tomorrow morning nak bawa my lil hero to there...maybe bawa sekali my niece and nephew together kot baru meriah kannn! Okay uols jomlah bukan selalu. Oh...di manekah aku letak monopod aku ya..ermmm...misi mencari monopod ON.

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