Post aku kalini takde picture pon. Aku nak share pengalaman aku sepanjang 2nd preggy ni sampailah deliver baby kat umsc@um specialist center atau ckp melayunye ppum private wing. Yang satu lagi tu ummc@ppum gomen wing google lah later yew klu nak tau ape beza 2 wing ni kay.
Lesson learnt from 1st experience dulu so aku and asben tak maw deliver baby at umra spital lagi. Tis time nekad nak deliver kat spital yg besar yg serba serbi lengkap memandangkan akuni ade low hb so biase spital besar2ni ade blood bank any case senang.
Survey punye survey kami decided to register checkup di umsc with gynee doc prof siti zawiyah omar. After bace byk positive review about tis prof so aku and asben pon ade rase confident. Prof siti seorang gynee yg akan go for normal deliver 1st. Ceaser hanya happen if ade emergency. Tats is one of reason why we pilih dia. 1St deliver aku is ceasec of coz yg 2nd ni aku berharap nak normal. Last chance kot..klu failed to normal gamatnye mmg kena ikut tingkap jelah for next2 birth kan..As wanita of coz kena rase pengalaman deliver normal..
Untuk deliver dkt umsc we must have atleast 3 time appoitments and bolelah pilih feveret gynee. Macam aku, 1st appoitment was in 5 months preggy huhuhu..before tat refer checkup di umra spital sebab dah biase even tho dah tak berkenan dgn umra spitalni. Setakat checkup di umra spital aku rase no hal lagipon service laju dan doctor ramai.
1St time appoitment dgn prof siti..nampak gaya tegas mcm cikgu/ustazah. Prof siti ni sgt busy,bile checkup juz buat procedure penting tak byk ckp. Banyak bagi advises with islamic sounds. Uols taukan bile dah masok 5 bln kite dah kena buat detail scan. Sikit kecewalah detail scan yg dibuat oleh gynee aku prof siti tu too simple cara dia and maybe dia buat yg penting jew. Pastu jz bagitau aku baby sihat,tunjuk serba sedikit body baby dan jantung pon ok. Ermmm...byk bnde aku nak tau prof siti akan suruh byk berdoa supaya semuanye ok. Sape yg tak berdoa oiiii..tapi tak slh gak aku nk tau lebih.
My asben suka dgn prof siti ni ktanye more islamic. Taula akuni jenis yg nak details dan cerewet so tat aku bole prepare mental dan fizikal if anything happenkan?? But i tell u this gynee memang the most popular at umsc to those yg nak deliver normal. Prof siti suka natural pain. aku inform dia yg aku is positive gbs pon muke dia relax jew..takde sikit pon dia ckp kesan negatif gbs ni pada baby. Walhal mmg byk.. prof siti mmg owes n owes positif dan garang tapi mesra.
Setiap kali appoitment kena register dulu at ground floor, macam biase amik no giliran. After register then naik 3rd floor. Pass the registration td di counter ting 3. Kite akan dpt new no giliran. So tunggula sampai no kite trpapar di screen dgn no bilik gynee. So far berjam2 lah kena tunggu. Maklomlah prof siti ni feveret ramai. Nak jumpe orang glemer kenala tahan menunggu yew. Bile dah tiba giliran aku jumpe prof siti tu tak sampai 30 min. Gile sekejap kan tapi menunggu omaigod punyelah lama. Pas jmpe gynee turun blk to ground floor tuk set next appoitment dan buat pembayaran. Tats all. Adelah dlm 3-5hours hanya untuk satu appoitment. Price sekali checkup witout ubat and vitamin is around rm90-100++.
Satu lagi nak inform appoitment akuni, senantiaselah setiap hari isnin dan waktu petang dlm kul 3-5pm gitew. Yang lecehnye tat time is peak hours..huhuhu.. Ni nak kabarkan jugakla parking rate di umsc clinic agak mahal. Begitulah episod checkup aku seterusnye sampailah 9 bulan preggy. Takde ape yg menarik.
Next entry i will share all moments and experience di labor room till deliver baby at umsc labor ward hospital. Sorry entry kali ni takde picture langsung huhu..entah takde hati langsung nk snap picture.